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can u move ur family to a completely different neighborhood- like from veronaville to strangeville? if u can, how du u do it?
Asked at 18:28 on Saturday 23 October 2004 by Caitlin (XxCatlin08xX) Report this Question

2 Answers
Move the whole family with the house aswel, to the family bin. Then go to the other neighbourhood and they should be there. Hope that helps
Answered at 21:30 on Saturday 23 October 2004 by AngelChild2kN4
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There's a better way, actually...depending on whether or not you care if your original family/lot stays where it is.

You can package the lot you want to put in other neighborhoods. It will be saved into the EA Games file in My Documents, in the Packaged Lots directory.

You can then go there, double-click on the package to install it, and then the lot will be in your bin for use anywhere you like. If you like, you can install it multiple times at once, and each time, a copy of the lot will be put into the bin. Then you can put it in more than one neighborhood, which is fun, because you can see the way things develop with different neighbors, etc.

I like to package my lots at different times in their development, also, so that I can play out the family or house in different ways. Every time you package a lot (that has the same address), the game will save it as a "_1," "_2," etc. file, so that you can still tell they are the same family or house, but you can also tell which one came first.

This, by the way, is a good way to save Sims, rather than just making them in Body Shop and packaging them. You can put your Sim onto an empty lot, then package the lot, then that Sim is available in the lots bin, to put anywhere in your game. Once you have put the lot into your neighborhood, you then must visit the lot once. After you do that, you can move the Sim out of the empty lot and into the Sim bin, where he/she becomes available to move into any house you like.

In my EA Games folder, I have added two files: Packaged Sims and Packaged Objects (for the few that Maxis has issued so far, and for the future when they present us with something like the Family Creator for objects!). I save EVERY package I download, so that it can be reinstalled at will.

NOTE: If you use cheats and want to have wealthy Sims to move into special houses you have built that cost HUGE amounts of Simoleons (grin) you can put the Sim on an empty lot, use the "motherlode" cheat as many times as you want, THEN go back to the neighborhood (saving the lot). When you move the Sim into the bin, then, you have an "independently wealthy" Sim to buy your fancy houses with.
Answered at 10:48 on Saturday 20 November 2004 by Linda Wingfield (linarwing)
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