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Can i get my music to play on the sims radio,if so how?
Asked at 22:19 on Tuesday 17 February 2004 by Heather (lil_hev15) Report this Question

1 Answer
First thing you want to do is open the following folder on you hard drive: c:/program files/maxis/the sims/gamedata/music/stations/ in this folder there should be some subfolders (like rap, country, rock, and so on). Next thing you want to do is identify the MP3s, or WAVs you want to put into the game. Then copy them into one of the music style's folder. For example put rock music into the rock folder. If you have limited hard drive space, and because MP3s are large files, you can also create shortcuts to the music files on your hard drive in the station folders instead. Just be careful creating shortcuts, if you move, rename, or delete the original file the shortcut will be broke and may cause your game to crash if you don't remove it.

If you don't like the Sim's original music you can delete the defult sim music (the music that come with the game). Just delete the MP3's in the folder of the Simlish music(but then the only way to get them back it to reinstall the game). Just make sure you have at least one music file in each folder, and you don't delete or rename any folders inside the stations folder, or else your game will crash when you go to play music in the game. Adding your own music to the sims can make your game playing a lot more enjoyable.
Answered at 01:16 on Wednesday 18 February 2004 by Stash (SimStash)
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