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how do i download something? i mean like tell me the steps
Asked at 05:58 on Tuesday 30 March 2004 by carlita (sim_fan_91) Report this Question

2 Answers
1. Make a new folder.
I put "my documents" on the desktop and use the date for the folder name. ie 32904.
2.Find an object or skin or file you want to download.
Somewhere it should have the word "download"
(or a button or triangle or something that indicates what you have to do to download.
If it doesn't than just right click your mouse on the object.
If you see the word "download" then right click the word download.
3.A computer based menu will pop up, scroll up to the words
"save target" and left click "save target"
(or when you right click the object itself, scroll up to "save target" and left click that)
4.Another computer based pop up that gives you options as to where you want to save the download will show.
Like for me the pop up shows inside "My document", double clck where to to open the file you dated.
6.When that opens left click the word "download."
7.The zipped download will transfer and download to the folder I indicated.
8.After doing that and finishing downloading the other skins or objects
8.I go to the start up programs on my computer and use Sims Plus
9. I open Sims Plus.
10.Drag and drop the file by by left clicking it and holding my finger down, I release my finger to drop the file.
11.Sims plus will open and install the object unless its corrupt.

Hope that helps.
That's just one way to do it I'm sure there are others
Answered at 08:18 on Tuesday 30 March 2004 by Krystal Myers (DianaRay19)
Answer Rating: 1.00 (1 vote)
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The Add-on Handler is better - it supports houses and roofs as well. You can find it in the Utilities section of this site. See this question for practically the same question (which is why this one's locked).
Answered at 12:38 on Tuesday 30 March 2004 by ChEeTaH (TSZ Webmaster) (ChEeTaH)
Answer Rating: 1.00 (1 vote)
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